María Eusebia Guerrero Sánchez was born in Moloacan, Mexico, in 1984. She received the Engineering degree in Electronics from the Tecnológico Nacional de México-IT Minatitlan, in 2005, and the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control from the National Center of Research and Technological Development (CENIDET), in 2008 and 2017, respectively. She did a post-doctorate at the French-Mexican Laboratory on Computer Science and Control UMI-LAFMIA CINVESTAV in 2017. Since 2018, Dra. Guerrero-Sánchez is member of the National System of Researchers SNI. She is autor/co-author of more than 20 research paper published in ISI-Journals and international conferences. Her research are focused on passivity-based control, nonlinear control, under-actuated systems and UAV’s control.
Mária Eusebia Guerrero Sánchez
Ph.D. Electronics
Scopus ID: 1830244
Pubons: F
Scholar Google: Profile
Passivity-based control
Under-actuated systems
Nonlinear control
UAV’s control
Control applications
Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering, 2017.
National Center for Research and Technological Development (CENIDET)
Master in Electronic Engineering, 2008. National Center for Research and Technological Development (CENIDET)
Latest publications
Full publications list: Scholar Google, Research Gate.
Maria Eusebia Guerrero-Sánchez, Rogelio Lozano, P Castillo, O Hernández-González, CD García-Beltrán, Guillermo Valencia-Palomo Nonlinear control strategies for a UAV carrying a load with swing attenuation, Applied Mathematical Modelling Vol. 91, 709-722, March 2021.
O Hernández‐González, F Ramírez‐Rasgado, CM Astorga‐Zaragoza, ME Guerrero‐Sánchez, G Valencia‐Palomo, AE Rodriguez‐Mata Observer for non‐linear systems with sampled measurements: Application to the friction factor estimation of a pipeline, IET Control Theory & Applications, Vol 15, 432-445, February 2021.
Gómez‐Peñate, S., López‐Estrada, F.R., Valencia‐Palomo, G., Rotondo, D. and Guerrero‐Sánchez, M.E., 2020. Actuator and sensor fault estimation based on a proportional multiple‐integral sliding mode observer for linear parameter varying systems with inexact scheduling parameters. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
María-Eusebia Guerrero-Sánchez, Omar Hernández-González, Rogelio Lozano, Carlos-D García-Beltrán, Guillermo Valencia-Palomo, Francisco-R López-Estrada, “Energy-Based Control and LMI-Based Control for a Quadrotor Transporting a Payload”, Mathematics, Vol 7(11), November 2019.
Hernández-González O.,M-E. Guerrero-Sánchez ,M. Farza, T. Ménard, M. M'Saad and R. Lozano, “High gain observer for a class of nonlinear systems with coupled structure and sampled output measurements: application to a quadrotor”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 50(5), Pages 1089-1105, March 2019
Targui, B.; Hernández-González, O.; Astorga-Zaragoza, C-M; Guerero-Ramírez G-V and Guerrero-Sánchez, M-E, “A new observer design for systems in presence of time-varying delayed output measurements”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems,Vol. 17(1), Pages 117-125, January 2019